
Pages with video are 53% more likely to appear on page one of Google search results


People are 65 % more likely to buy after watching a video


4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it

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Types of videos we create

Brand Videos // :30 - :45

For quick branding engagements such as broadcast spots, YouTube trailers, short motion graphics animation, and teasers. This format is best used for overall brand pieces aimed at name recognition and overall brand position statements or value propositions.

Explainer Videos // :45 - :90

For most slightly longer engagements where the viewer or customer may not understand a concept, product, or service, this format is best used for distilling complex or high volume video content into a simple and clear presentation.

Instructional Videos // :90+

For deep engagements with viewers, this format is best used for longer form storytelling where the video content is compelling and engaging enough to warrant such duration. Typically, the target audience has previously engaged with the brand or needs to delve into instructional information.

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